Honeymoon Archivi | COLLE Photography

The San Galgano Abbey is surely one of the icons of the Tuscan landscape. This is a very good solution for a photography service in Tuscany that we could call a Honeymoon in San Galgano. Based near Siena, the Abbey is a big building without...

Behind this service there is something I really missed from long time: the smile. I found it thanks to a crazy couple and a serie of new photographic tecniques I tries with a new assistant....

Florence is a location that attracts lot of people from other Countries to celebrate their love, maybe with a photographic service. In this service, you can see the photographies we took in some of the most beautiful views of the Tuscan city....

The Honeymoon in Venice trend is coming to Italy too; in this service I'm going to tell you about the adventure of a service in Venice with a couple from Certaldo, in Tuscany. We already told you about their winter wedding, celebrated in San Gimignano,...

There are cities I have a special connection. London is one of these. Everything started years ago with a photo of a big red bus and Westminster on the background, it was before the Olympics Games and that pictures was used for several articles about...

Florence is the worldwide capital of the art. Everyday, the works of our Renaissance capture thousands of tourist from all over the world. Also for this reason, lot of couples decide to narrate here their Honeymoon Florence....

Italy has been one of the most desired destinations for tourists so far. For this reason, our couple decided to realize here their Honeymoon service....

When I thought about this service, I seriously had doubts about thinking it too big. The bride and the groom asked me what I had in my mind and I said: “So, the best would be a motorboad with a beautiful wood hull...